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皇家国际物流中心是新家坡皇家国际(香港)装饰股份有限公司投资创办的辅材配送服务机构,是“豪装一体化”的重要组成部分。主要为装修工程提供高品 质、高环保的辅材,由材料配送中心和集成家居生产基地组成。自进入中国以来,凭借规模大、品种全、质量高、绿色环保等优势全方位保障业主装修利益,赢得了 广大皇家国际客户的一致认可。


皇家国际(中国)物流配送中心作为“豪装一体化”的重要组成部分,是皇家国际(中国)为尊贵客户提供优质辅材的装饰材料基地。针对建材市场的繁杂, 皇家国际(中国)物流中心坚持为尊贵客户提供高品质、高环保辅材,力争建立起多功能、定位明确的装饰材料基地,提供切实符合消费者需求的产品和服务。皇家 国际(中国)物流中心将继续秉持对消费者负责、对社会负责的价值观,为消费者个性化定制家居不懈努力。

规模 仓储量居行业之首 



在配送管理上,皇家国际(中国)物流中心采用ERP管理系统,融入科学管理理念,走现代物流道路,首次借鉴专业物流公司的先进运作方式,从工程下 单、配备材料到发送材料,均是一体化操作程序。不仅提高了材料配送的效率,保证了装修取材的更加协调和规范,而且保障了施工工程的高质量,维护了业主在装 修过程中的利益。

在材料采购上,皇家国际(中国)物流中心均采取集中统一采购的方式,与全国各地的众多知名材料商建立了长期合作关系。以一体的供应商服务链和长期、 稳定的合作,从源头上杜绝有害物质,更好确保各材料商提供给的材料,在质量、功能、环保等标准上与市场同类产品相比均有突出优势。



第一,严格把关原材料,从国内外引进更环保、优质的装修辅材。通过整合生产商和供应商,建立一体的供应商服务链,从源头上杜绝有害物质,又以长期、 稳定的合作全方位保证健康的家居环境,而且要求各材料生产商 针对地区城市特色,气候环境等因素和物流中心研发部进行研发、生产,以保证材料的质量及性能优于市场同类产品,更切合高端业主的需要。


第三,充分发挥高品质集成家居生产基地的作用。把施工现场容易造成污染的家具制作等工序转移到工厂生产,以机械作业代替人工的加工生产,工厂化工序 完成后再搬到工地现场组装,大大减少装修现场的噪音污染、粉尘污染对家居生活的危害,保证工艺精良和装修的环保、健康并有效的节约工期,使业主装修省时、 省力;工厂化生产还充分发挥工艺优势,贯穿古今、吸纳东西、精于创作,将意、形、工贯通于一体,造诣精致,魅力迷人,独具匠心的将木头赋予了新的生命,让 您享受非一般高贵雅的低碳生活。

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Royal International (China) Logistics Distribution Center

Royal International Logistics Center is Singapore and the Royal International (Hong Kong) Investment Co., Ltd., founded Fucai decorative distribution services agency, is "Luxurious integration" an important part. The main provider of high quality, environmentally friendly auxiliary to renovation works, the material distribution center and integrated home production base composition. Since entering China, with a large scale, all varieties, high quality, environmental protection and other advantages of comprehensive safeguards the interests of owners renovated, won the majority of customers unanimously approved the Royal International.

Royal International (China) logistics distribution center for customers to do?

Royal International (China) Distribution Center as "Luxurious integration" an important part of the Royal International (China) to provide high-quality decorative materials Fucai valued customers base. For the building materials market complex, Royal International (China) Logistics Center insist on providing high quality, environmental protection and supplementary to our valued customers, and strive to establish a multi-purpose, clear positioning of the decorative material base, providing practical to meet consumer demand for products and services. Royal International (China) Logistics Centre will continue to uphold the consumer is responsible, socially responsible values, custom home for the tireless efforts of individual consumers.

Compared with peers, Royal International (China) What are the advantages of logistics and distribution center?

Scale storage capacity ranks first in the industry

Royal International (China) logistics center is mainly composed of a material distribution center and "Home Dream Park (China) Factory" production base composition. Hall under the material, production centers, procurement centers, transportation centers, settlement center and five agencies, the number and variety of distribution of material covering sheet, chemical, metal, water and electricity and all other decorative materials, is for the owners to provide high-quality materials, full-service an important base.

Scientific management industry leader

On the distribution management, Royal International (China) Logistics Center using ERP management system, integrated into the concept of scientific management, take the road of modern logistics, professional logistics companies first learn the advanced mode of operation, from engineering orders, with material to send materials, are Integration of operating procedures. Not only improve the efficiency of material distribution, to ensure a more coordinated and standardized decoration drawn, and guarantee the high quality of the construction work, maintenance of the interests of owners in the renovation process.

On the material procurement, the Royal International (China) Logistics Center were taken to centralized procurement approach, and many well-known material around the country to establish a long-term relationship. Service chain with suppliers and long-term and stable cooperative body eliminate harmful substances from the source, to better ensure that the material supplied to the material, have highlighted the quality, functionality, and environmental protection standards and the market compared to similar products Advantage.

Product quality leader in the decorative market

Royal International (China) Logistics Center has always been implementing the "safety, environmental protection, health, personality," the theme to the European and American material standards as a guide to low-carbon life for the purpose, through the introduction of well-known brands, its own research and development of innovative products, strict material quality, all-round protection of the interests of home decoration.

First, strict control of raw materials, from home and abroad to introduce more environmentally friendly, high-quality renovation Fucai. Through the integration of manufacturers and suppliers, establishing one of the suppliers of the service chain, to eliminate harmful substances from the source, on the long-term, stable and all-round cooperation to ensure a healthy home environment, but also requires the manufacturer for each material characteristic areas of the city, climate Environmental factors such as research and development and logistics center for the development, production, to ensure the quality and performance of the material is better than the market similar products, but also meet the needs of high-end owners.

Second, the first to set up a special research and development departments, continue to develop better, more environmentally friendly, more personalized decorative materials. At the same time, the use of advanced science and technology, health and environmental protection concepts covering all products, so that the owners of the decoration DPM greener, more quality assurance.

Third, give full play to the role of high-quality integrated home production base. The construction site is likely to cause pollution of the furniture production processes transferred to the plant, instead of doing mechanical work processing and production, and then moved to the construction site factory assembly process is completed, greatly reducing the renovated site of noise pollution, dust pollution on home life hazards, ensure sophisticated technology and renovation, environmental protection, health and effectively saving period, so that the owners decoration saving time, effort; industrial production but also give full play to the advantages of technology, through the ancient and modern, to absorb things, specializes in the creation, the meaning, shape, work through in one attainments exquisite charm charming, distinctive wood will give a new life, allowing you to enjoy the non-general noble elegant low-carbon life.